Specimen Lab Courses

EFAS forefoot specimen lab course in Barcelona: discover the interview of Xavier Martin Olivia, the Specimen Lab Committee Chairman!

EFAS, under the leadership of its Specimen Committee, organises each year 4 to 5 Specimen Lab Courses, designed for orthopaedic surgeons with the motivation to learn differents aspects of foot and ankle pathologies, and improve their skills in foot and ankle surgical techniques in 2 categories. Supervised by the experienced EFAS faculty, participants of the courses will practice their techniques on cadavers.

Basic course: This course covers the main topics and basic surgical techniques in foot and ankle such as Hallux Valgus surgery, Hallux rigidus surgery, Ankle instability, Metatarsalgia, Hindfoot arthrodesis.  Each topic starts with a short theorical presentation, followed by a demonstration from the faculty and ends with 40 minutes of practical work on foot foot by participants.

Advanced course: This course covers more advanced topics, such as arthroscopic techniques and sport lesions in foot an ankle,  degenerative articular lesions in foot and ankle, flat foot and DTP and complications of this pathology, Ankle arthroplasty and their complications. The approach in 3 phases - theorical presentation, faculty demonstration, and practical work - is similar to basic course. 

The participants work with fresh cadaver specimens, all tested and with all safety guarantees.




Click here to access the list of the EFAS past Cadaver Courses and their programmes.