EFAS Committees

This Committee is in charge of developing the EFAS Certification Programme.

Committee Chair: Dr. Don McBride

Members: Dr. Kris Buedts, Dr. Geoffroy Vandeputte, Dr. Manfred Thomas 


Provides and organises the educational content of the EFAS Instructional Courses. 

Committee Chair: Dr. Jean L. Besse

Members: Dr. Anthony Sakellariou, Dr. Bernhard Devos Bevernage, Dr. J. de Halleux, Dr. Nuno Brito, Dr. Nikolaos Gougoulias, Dr. Sabine Ochman.


Reviews, selects and supervises the EFAS Fellowship Programme. 

Committee Chair: Dr. Nuno Corte-Real

Members: Dr. François Lintz, Dr. Elena Samaila, Dr. Oliver Michelsson.


This Committee develops content for all aspects of EFAS communication (newsletter, website...)

Committee Chair: Dr. Yves Tourné

Members: Dr. F. Lintz, Dr. Elena Samaila, Dr. Oliver Michelsson, Dr. Matteo Guelfi, Dr. Kris Buedts, Dr. Alessio Bernasconi, Dr Joris Hermus.



The Membership Committee deals with then new applications for individual, global or societiy members and all questions related to the membership platform.

Committee Chair: Dr. Kris Buedts

Members: Dr. Yves Tourné, Dr. Xavier Martin,  Dr. Thanos Badekas




Organises the annual “EFAS Research Grant”, the “EFAS Research Award”, and the “EFAS Research Fund”. The “EFAS Research Committee” evaluates the scientific literature related to Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics, Traumatology, and Sports Medicine. The Committee brings scientific contribution and salient information to the EFAS Scientific committee, EFAS Council, and EFAS members.

Committee Chair: Dr. Jordi Vega (Spain). Chief EFAS Research Committee.

Members: Dr. Stefan Clockaerts (Belgium), Dr. Miki Dalmau (Spain), Fabien Krause (Switzerland), Dr. Francesc Malagelada (UK), Dr. Elena Manuela Samaila (Italy) , Dr. Andreas Toepfer (Switzerland)



Organises the scientific content of the following EFAS Events:

- EFAS International Congress (Bi-Annual Congress)
- EFAS Advanced Symposia (held the year where there is no congress)
- EFAS Specialty Day/Sessions at EFORT Congress

Committee Chair: Dr. Manuel Monteagudo

Members: Dr. Dishan Singh, Dr. Marino Delmi, Dr. Fabian Krause, Dr. Angelique Witteveen, Dr. Yves Tourné, Dr. Geoffroy Vandeputte, Dr. Christina Stukenborg-Colsman, Dr. Nuno Corte Real, Dr. Christian Plaass, Dr. Elena Samaila, Dr. Maneesh Bhatia.



This temporary committee works to develop, validate, communicate and publish the "EFAS Score", the only validated foot and ankle score available in different languages.

Committee Chair: Dr. Martinus Richter

Members: Dr. Maria Cöster, Dr. Angelique Witteveen, Dr. Per-Henrik Agren, Dr. Jean-Luc Besse, Dr. Hakon Kofoed, Dr. Nicola Maffulli, Dr. Michael Stephens, Dr. Dieter Rosenbaum (technical advisor), Dr. Martijn Steultjens (statistical advisor)

Additional Members: Don McBride (English Score), Elena Samaila, Marco Guelfi (Italian), Fernando Alvarez (Spanish), Kris Buedts, Jan Willem Louwerens (Dutch), Andrzej Boszcyk (Polish), Jussi Repo (Finnish), Esat Uygur (Turkish), Jeanette Penny (Danish), Martin Nsubuga (Norwegian), Nuno Corte Real (Portuguese), Sandor Paior (Hungarian), Amir Reza Vosoughi (Persian)


This Committee is in charge of content and programming of all of EFAS Cadaver courses.

Committee Chair: Dr.Xavier Martin Oliva

Members: Dr. Manfred Thomas, Dr. Bruno Pereira, Dr. Kris Buedts, Dr. Peter Bock, Dr. Helka Koivu



This committee is aimed to create and support a network among young surgeons who wish to take actively part to EFAS.

Committee Chair: Dr.Alessio Bernasconi

Members: François Lintz (France), Elena Vacas (Spain), Joris Robberecht (Belgium), Dariush Arbad (Germany), Kirill Mikhaylov (Russia), Matthew Welck (UK), Mikko Miettinen (Finland), Arne Burssens (Belgium)










































































Do you want to make an impact on your profession? Become a volunteer for one of the EFAS Committees today! There are plenty of options to choose from. 

To join one of our committees, please complete this online application.